Look what Grace has awarded me with

I feel so very honored, THANK YOU, Grace!!!!! I love Grace's blog and she is such a talented lady and most of all, she is a fellow Christian. I tell you, GOD is so good.
All right I have to forward this award under some conditions so here they are
# 1 By accepting this award you acknowledge that the giver LIKES YOUR STYLE
#2 You agree to post this proudly on your site and include a post linking back to the giver
#3 And because there are so many blogs out there that you like their style you will share
this award with them...however many that might be........
this is not going to be that hard for me as I am inspired by many talented ladies out there :D
Here are a few:
If you have a minute go on check these ladies out. They are super talented !!!!
Thanks again, Grace, you are the BEST!!!!
Thank you so much Sabrina. You are so sweet. I am honored. Now I just need to learn how to stamp like you. Hehe.. I will have to see if I can post this on my blog...Hugs to you.
AWWW - du bist die zu gut zu mir :)!!! Mir gefaellt dein Style auch!!! Danke fuer den Award und das du an mich gedacht hast!!!
I'll try to pass it on the next few days - it's crazy here at the Ledlow house!!! Hugs ~S~
Domo arigato Sabrina san!!
I love your style, too!! I will try to pass it on, too!
Thanks girlfriend!! I love your style too!! Big hugs!!!
Well I'm back! It's so nice to be back home and back in my craft room... I've been making cards all morning!!
Thank you so much Sabrina for this award... I love your style so much too. I'm off to put it on my blog...... !! 8)
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